- 3D Modelling
- Unwrapping
- Texturing
- Rigging
- 3D Animation
- Texturing
- Texturing
- UI
At the beginning, the inner thigh of Alita and her belly didn't have a nice topology for animating the mesh later on.
This part had to redone from scratch in order to ensure a good line flow to prevent skinning problems from arising in the animation phase.
I've done 5 animations for Alita: basic combo attack, prominence attack, dead, stun & dash. Some of these attacks have been thought / designed by David Valdivia and we took the manga as a base reference too.
I've also use retargeting in Maya to transfer some Alita animations from the first rig in the prototype and make some new ones like the kick attack from the combo in order to save time.
Taxi reference by Gadget-Bot Productions
For the sewer level, I changed the pipeline and used Mudbox in order to paint the base color and a Photoshop pass for the black outline and other details.
I tried making high-res versions of the terrain to sculpt some cavities and irregularities in Mudbox for then bake the ambient occlusion maps but the shadows were merely noticeable so, in the end, I chose not to do it.
Based on the previous groundwork that Ricardo Gutiérrez laid down I redesigned the passive tree and the inventory so they matched the palette color of the UI and I made them more readable. It took me a few iterations in the passive tree to get it just right.